Terms of Use

Last Updated: 9/20/2024

Before you create Clydeo’s next adventure, read our Terms of Use. By using this site or generating an image, you agree to these Terms.

Welcome to Clydeo’s Next Adventure (the "site"), made available by Invisible Universe, Inc.

It’s important that you obey these Terms as you use the site, create images or use them. The site does not generate or collect personal info.

If you’re eligible to use the site, you are permitted to use the site to generate pictures of Clydeo’s next adventure. Your use of images, such as reposting to social networks, must also remain complaint.

We own those images, as well as the Clydeo character and everything on the site. We may take action against you if you don’t follow these Terms.


If you have any questions about the site, use of images or these Terms, contact us at fanart@invisibleuniverse.com.


You must be at least 13 years old to use the site. If you're under 13, you may not use this site—unless your parent or guardian has agreed to these Terms on your behalf. By using this site, you confirm and promise that you’re 13 or older, or that your parent read and agreed to these Terms.

Permitted Use

If you provide input to generate images, you will only have a limited license to use the images if:
• Your text input excludes personal names and vulgar, violent or offensive language.
• You verify the image is appropriate for an all-ages audiences, as parents and kids may see it.
• You have not attempted to hack, misuse or bypass the generative process or any other aspect of the site.

If you disobey any of those rules, you have no permission to use the images in any way, and we reserve the right to restrict or ban your access to the site. Contact us if you are unsure whether your input or image violates these rules.

Use of Images

When you tell the site where Clydeo’s going next, we use software to generate images based on your input.

All images generated using the site remain our property. However, you may share the images, if you followed permitted use rules and obey the following license terms:

You are granted a personal, non-commercial license to publish those images, exactly as you receive them.

This means you can:
• Repost exact copies of the images on social media.
• Use them for personal projects.

But you cannot:
• Change the images or use the Clydeo character in any other way.
• Post images to accounts or feeds that include hate speech, adult content, violence or illegal activity. Or anywhere the surrounding content includes any of those things.
• Modify, sell, distribute or otherwise use the images in any other way, including any commercial purposes.

Copyright & Ownership

We own all rights in the site, Clydeo, our other characters, and the prompts and images created through the site.

You acknowledge that:
• You do not own any rights in the images or the prompts used to generate them. You receive only a license to use exact copies of the images for personal use.
• We can take legal action if you use images in any other way.

No Personal Info Collected

We respect your privacy. This site does not generate and collect any personal information directly. However, if you arrive via a social media platform or other website, we may receive inbound identifiers from those outside providers. We may also use nonpersonal device data to track usage or consent and ensure compliance with these Terms.

This data is never shared or sold only used to help us understand how the website is being used, ensure compliance and to comply with legal obligations. No payments are required to use this service, and no financial information is ever collected.

General Provisions

Third-Party Sites
When sharing images on third-party sites like social media, you are also subject to the terms and conditions of those platforms. Some features or services on the site may also be provided by third parties. We do not control those third parties, and your use may be subject to legal terms provided by those third parties. For example, if arrive from TikTok or repost images to TikTok, you do are subject to TikTok’s Terms of Service. Be mindful of those third party terms and policies and make sure you follow them.

Limitation of Liability
The website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, with no warranties of any kind, either express or implied. We do not guarantee the website will be error-free or that it will always work as intended. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, under no circumstances will we be liable to you for:
• Any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, including loss of data or interruption of service.
• Any amount greater than $100.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless us, our affiliates, officers, employees, and agents from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from:
• your use of the site or the images created.
• your breach of these terms.
• your violation of any third-party rights, including any intellectual property or privacy rights.
This indemnity continues to apply after you stop using the site or your access is terminated.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising out of or related to these terms will be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Los Angeles, CA, and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of those courts.

Modifications to the Service
We may change, update, or discontinue the site or any features at any time. We also reserve the right to update these terms. As we don’t have your contact info, you will need to review these Terms from tiem to time to remain aware of the current Terms.

We may terminate or suspend your access to the site at any time, without notice, for any reason. These Terms will still remain applicable to any past or future use of the site.